In an effort of full disclosure, we sold 149 Boston Butts last week and made a profit of $1,797.59 which we will apply towards the balance owed on our basketball shooting machine that was acquired during the summer.
I would like to have you thank the following people for their help with this fundraiser:
Prep Crew
- Sarah McKenzie
- Doyle McKenzie
- Jimmy Barron
- Donna Brown
- Ross Jinright
- Billy Brown
- Ross Jinright
- Kent Dendy
- Jimmy Barron
- Cliff Steed
- Jason Senn
Pick Up Crew
- Mark Graham
- Billy Brown
- Sherry Starling
- Lisa Eley
- Steve Barron
Steve Garret for selling us the meat at a good cost and all of the Patriots that purchased the product.
Thanks and Go PIKE!