
Tuesday, July 9, 2019

2019 - 2020 Sports Booster Membership

Many of the activities and projects at PIKE are supported heavily by the Sports Boosters from funds generated completely outside the school’s General Fund Budget. Virtually all boys and girls sports receive monies from the Sports Boosters to purchase items such as uniforms and equipment. The Booster also fund the cost of officials, utilities, travel expenses, renovation, facility improvement etc.  We want to continue to build on a fine tradition of sports and academics. By joining the Sports Boosters and using our group buying power, we can lower the cost per student for equipment, uniforms and many other items. Every Patriot student and family will benefit.

The Booster Club's Annual Kickoff Meeting is set for Tuesday, August 13th at 6:00 pm in the school's cafetorium. This meeting is mandatory for the parents of all peewee, JV and varsity football players and cheerleaders, as well as those playing JV and varsity volleyball.   

Click the link above to download a membership form for your convenience. Booster Membership is $40.00.  The Patriot Pride Individual Membership Package which is both membership to the Booster Club and one Athletic Pass is $125.00. The Patriot Pride Family Membership Package which is both membership to the Booster Club and Family Passes is $250.00 (this includes immediate family living under one roof).