
Tuesday, August 18, 2015

The Booster Club sponsors a weekly Fellowship of Christian Athlete's Breakfast each Friday morning  at 7:00 am at Park Memorial United Methodist Church for our fall-sport athletes. Our first FCA Breakfast will be this Friday morning (August 21st) and will continue through the remainder of football season. The varsity football team, varsity cheerleaders and varsity volleyball team have been highly encouraged by their coaches to attend; however, all student athletes are invited. If you do not play a fall sport or if you are not a varsity level player but want to attend please contact Coach Allen.  In addition to breakfast, Bro Danny Arnold of PMUMC will present a brief message. We should dismiss at or before 7:40 so that all student athletes can return to PLA prior to the first bell.

Volunteers should arrive at PUMC at 6:00 am.