
Monday, October 20, 2014

Homecoming 2014

Next week brings a flurry of activity to campus as we celebrate Homecoming 2014. Thursday evening brings the annual parade around campus (6:00 pm) as well as the bonfire and black-out pep rally (7:00 pm).  

The Booster Club will sell a meal so that families may eat in the lunchroom  immediately following the parade and attend the bonfire and blackout pep rally. The price of a single BBQ sandwich, bag of chips and canned drink is $5.00 or two BBQ sandwiches a bag of chips and a canned drink is $7.00.  Meals will be pre-ordered on the attached form and turned in to the office with money by Wednesday, October 29th. Tickets will then be issued for pickup.  The sandwiches will be made from Hooks' Boston Butts. 

Thanks and Go PIKE!