
Thursday, December 5, 2013

True Pike Patriot Award

True Pike Patriot Award

The True Pike Patriot Award was established to recognize annually, an individual who exemplifies the qualities of patriotism and the value those same qualities bring to our athletics program and school.  The recipient reflects the positive spirit of those attributes we most closely associate with a patriot and whose attitude and personality reflect their love of Pike Liberal Arts on the fields of competition and in life.

  • A True Pike Patriot loves God, country, and family and understands that personal actions and attitude are reflections are often a measurement this commitment. 
  • A True Pike Patriot realizes that if the freedom of one is violated, the freedom of all is at risk. 
  • A True Pike Patriot values the concept of team before self and perseveres at all times. 
  • A True Pike Patriot enlists help from others in life and on the field of play and when faced with adversity, is lifted up by the help of a brother or sister. 
  • A True Pike Patriot motivates others to be better than they could be by believing in them, without question or qualification. 
  • A True Pike Patriot loves this school and his/her team and in winning or losing, is proud of what the name Pike Patriot stands for.
The True Pike Patriot Award is given out annually at the Fall Sports' Banquet. Previous recipient's are Kevin Adams (2011) and Layne Wise (2012). Please join me in congratulating the 2013 True Pike Patriot - Mark Calk. Mark has worked tirelessly behind the scenes to make PLA a better school for many years. Among his many contributions to PLA, Mark has served as Chairman of the Board of Trustees on two occasions, served as the schools' Treasurer and served as the membership chairman of the sports boosters. 

Please join me in congratulating Mark on this award and thanking him for his efforts to make PLA a better school.