
Wednesday, March 19, 2014

PLAS In Need Of: Exercise Bicycles

Pike Liberal Arts School is in need of 6 exercise bicycles.  Please contact Mrs. Baggett if you would like to donate one or help in any way.  Thanks as always for supporting your children and our school!

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Congrats 2014 The Messenger Boys and Girls All-Area Basketball Player of the Year

Player of the Year: Chandler Avant and Katie Ward, Pike Liberal Arts

Honorable Mention: Brian Adams, Pike Liberal Arts 

Avant averaged 23 points, seven rebounds and six assists per game for the Patriots. He led Pike in nearly every statistical category, and often drew double and triple teams. He was also named team MVP in the AISA All-Star Game.

All-Area Team
G – Ryshaun Hall, Pike County
G – Chandler Avant, Pike Liberal Arts
G – Quay Simmons, Goshen
F – Denzil Green, Goshen
F – Josh Noel, Charles Henderson

Honorable Mention
Jalente Smithe, Charles Henderson
Kamari Jackson, Pike County
Brian Adams, Pike Liberal Arts

Denagelo Orum, Goshen

Read the entire story about the Boys Basketball Player of the Year here and the Girls Basketball Player of the Year here.

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Coach Austin Wins 400th Game

Congratulations to Coach Butch Austin on winning his 400th game as head baseball coach for the Patriots during this past weekend's tournament at Morgan Academy.

Sponsorship Opportunity

The Booster Club is seeking sponsors to help offset the cost associated with hosting next weekend's Jonah McWaters' Tournament. If you or your business is interested in this $100.00 sponsorship please respond by noon tomorrow (Friday, March 7th). In addition to recognition via the PA system, your name/logo will be placed on the back of the T-shirts sold during the tournament.

This tournament is a huge undertaking every year. In addition to sponsorships, the Booster Club will need volunteers for the concession stand, gate and various others areas. Please contact if you are able to volunteer. 

Saturday, March 1, 2014

Jonah McWaters Tournament: Ribs Sale

In conjunction with this year's Jonah McWaters' Tournament, the Booster Club is selling St Louis Style BBQ Ribs. To reserve your ribs pick up a ticket in the PLA office or send the attached form with payment to the office. They will be available for pick-up in front of the school beginning at 1:00 pm on Friday, March 14th. There will be a limited number of extra ribs outside of the number of pre-orders available at the pick up point. During the tournament, we will be selling rib plates that will include baked beans, potato salad and a roll for $8.00

All pre-ordered must be turned into the PLA office by Tuesday, March 11th